When we finished our new porte-cochere in front of the house, we noticed that the view was blocked by this large, healthy blue spruce.
Not wanting to loose such a beautiful tree, we decided to move it.
We found the perfect spot a few feet away in the front yard.
Now any job is easy if you have the right tool, so we found a guy that had this handy, dandy little machine.
First he made a hole in the new spot. He sunk in the four spades, and puuullled...
and POP! the plug came out.
Then he tied up the branches of the tree
and put it in the secure grasp of the tree-mover.
Then he sunk in the spades again, and puuullled...
and POP! out came the tree as pretty as you please.
With a little fine manuvering...
he positioned the tree over the new hole.
Then slowly, every so slowly, he lowered it...
into the new hole,
and after a little shoveling, it looks like it has always been there.
Now the view from the street is nice and open,
and we have this lovely view from the front porch.