We got the whole family together for a week in Yellowstone and Jackson, Wyoming. Here's all 18 and 1/2 of us at our little log cabins in Cowboy Village in Jackson. (We call this our "Miracle Picture." Do you know how hard it is to get a picture with 8 kids 4 and under?)
In Yellowstone we saw Old Faithful do her thing just about right on schedule (she was 10 minutes late.)

Craig and Colleen (alias Travel Arranger Extraordinairre)
On our way through the park we ran into a bunch of taillights...
caused by a very impressive herd of bison (according to the rangers in Yellowstone they are no buffalo, only bison. We couldn't tell the difference.)
They apparently think the road is theirs and take it over whenever they feel like it. (so if bison can drive on the right hand side of the road, why can't the English?)

It was a little crowded in the park and all the picnic tables were taken so we went exploring and came up with a way better picnic spot.

Then it was on to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. In a word... awesome!

Berton, Tiraje, Emerson, Adrienne (alias Sissy) and the new one due in October.

The three older ones did a workbook full of activities, answered an intense series of questions by the ranger, then received their Junior Ranger badges.

Another day, another picnic spot.

Allison, Matt, Jacob and Will (alias Baby Wiw)

Amanda, Seth and Kayla (alias Chubby Cheeks)

The Tetons, with the Grand Teton in the center, remain one of the most impressive sights anywhere.

We celebrated Sissy's Third Birthday. (evidently she's been oppressed at home because she kept saying she is now "free")

Brooke, Chris, Abigail, Craig and Delaney (alias Little Cutie)

We took the ferry across Jenny Lake and headed up the trail for Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point.

The river was running high with this winter's heavy snow melt.

Here's the whole crew again at Hidden Falls. A magical week for all of us.